Monday, April 30, 2007


This is the picture what was selected for an exhibition at Gallery RFD in Swainsboro, GA.


Guest Juror: Pete Christman
Professor of Photography @ SCAD

"Gallery RFD is currently seeking works of art that explore the photographer's capacity to reconstruct or document reality using their camera, darkroom, and other photographic tools. The intention of this exhibition is to explore the modern photographer's role and responsibility when recording the truth, distorting reality or creating a middle ground that has elements of both".

New Photos

Here are some new pictures of what I have been working on recently. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This goes along with the last post. It's from my dad:

"Listen, I had to let you know about this. I caught a little piece of "our kind of wresslin'" on the TV today. It was being held at the Appalachian Fair Grounds in Gray. The match I was privey to was Ricky Morton from The Rock 'n Roll Express - [long blonde mullet hair do] and "The Tennessee Red Neck" ! While they were "wrasslin'" the announcer commented on "what a loud and raucous crowd" they had. I could see about 10 people in the stands that were in camera view. Yes, there was the 75 year old lady in the 3rd row with her 55 year old daughter sitting with her. She didn't have a wheelchair or oxygen apparatus but she was there. She was clapping to the chants for Rock 'N Roll and pointed aggressively when the Tenn. Red Neck hit him with brass knuckles and then won the match. Of course, the referee saw nothing !!! DANG-IT........ Anyway, when Red Neck got out of the ring, he slipped the brass knuckles to his shady manager (in view of the fans) and the manager put them in his pocket. The old lady almost broke her pointing finger trying to let the ref know where the "knucks" were.....This was only about 5-7 minutes. I am somewhat saddened that I missed the whole match!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


My dad sent me this because of its funny factor. Note (1) that the women's division will be held in "the pudding", (2) there is an autograph session at 6 pm, and (3) the admission price is $12.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Issues In Contemporary Photography FInale

Here are the resulting pictures of our class on last wednesday. Check it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cliche Verre

In my Alternative Process Class our project was to make a cliche Verre. Below is some history of cliche verre from [] who knows their junk about old processes like this.

"Cliche-verre means literally 'glass picture'. It is also known as glass etching or hyalography (back to the old business of dredging the Greek and Latin dictionaries for fancy names - in this case the Greek word for glass). The method was used regularly to good effect by the French painters Corot and Millet. It is essentially a hand drawn negative and as such is difficult for historians and students of old processes to categorise. Perhaps it illustrates the currently held view that the artist's ideas are more important than the medium through which they are expressed."

Above are some examples of my cliche verres. What I used was acrylic paint on frame glass. I waited for the paint to partially dry and then imprinted my face, hand, and ear. All of these pictures were contact printed from paper negatives onto fiber paper.

Issues In Contemporary Photography According To A Pink Bear in a Tutu

Here are some pictures from my Issues class where we learned about group dynamics. The first photo we shot was on the 5th floor in SCAD-ATL which is the photo dept. The second shot was 3rd floor parking deck. Hilarity insued . . .

Thursday, April 5, 2007

New Video

Here is the another video from the past weekend. Where SFT played at Jefferson City Middle School in Jeff City, TN.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Here is the video I made from last weekend of shoot for tomorrow show at FXP in knoxville, tn.
Check it out here.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Smile ideas

So I was thinking today that if I ever get the smile project into a gallery here are some ideas I could implement to make the show more "interactive". A mirror with a mask hanging by a thread so someone could see themselves with a mask and the mirror is actually a two-way mirror and people could watch from the other side or it could be videotaped; pre-made masks with the other side my business card or a list of the pictures in the show; setup a photo shoot for people to get their picture with a mask; more later . . . .

If you were wondering . .

For any of you that wondering what I do in grad school . . . .