Sunday, April 22, 2007

This goes along with the last post. It's from my dad:

"Listen, I had to let you know about this. I caught a little piece of "our kind of wresslin'" on the TV today. It was being held at the Appalachian Fair Grounds in Gray. The match I was privey to was Ricky Morton from The Rock 'n Roll Express - [long blonde mullet hair do] and "The Tennessee Red Neck" ! While they were "wrasslin'" the announcer commented on "what a loud and raucous crowd" they had. I could see about 10 people in the stands that were in camera view. Yes, there was the 75 year old lady in the 3rd row with her 55 year old daughter sitting with her. She didn't have a wheelchair or oxygen apparatus but she was there. She was clapping to the chants for Rock 'N Roll and pointed aggressively when the Tenn. Red Neck hit him with brass knuckles and then won the match. Of course, the referee saw nothing !!! DANG-IT........ Anyway, when Red Neck got out of the ring, he slipped the brass knuckles to his shady manager (in view of the fans) and the manager put them in his pocket. The old lady almost broke her pointing finger trying to let the ref know where the "knucks" were.....This was only about 5-7 minutes. I am somewhat saddened that I missed the whole match!"

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