Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stock Photography and a Gas-Powered Generator

Today at SLP I came in at 2 pm to Scott in a meeting with his rep, Holly, from RepGirl and an ad guy from Delta. Scott has shot many ads for Delta and was talking to John about another idea he had and what he thought about it. I came in on the end of it so I didn't get to hear much of the production just the wrap up. After John from Delta and Holly left, Scott told me he wanted me to pick up some things from Ace Hardware on Howell Mill so that is where I went. He gave me a list and the company credit card, which made me feel powerful. I went to Ace Hardware to buy a gas generator, 6 "A" clamps, and 3 3-way splitters. I found the generator and splitters in no time but had trouble finding the clamps in the small store. I asked 3 different people and each time they didn't know what "A" clamps were. One guy asked me what they were for and I said to clamp stuff together. Finally, someone knew what I was talking about and led me there, which of course was the next isle over. However, they only had 3 large and no small ones.

Upon returning to SLP, Scott was edited pictures for his portfolio when a modeling agency called and it was time for the meeting they planned two days ago. The meeting was about an estimate that Scott had done 2 months ago with data from the agency and now they had changed their mind about giving up rights to pictures for Scott's stock library. Scott noted that this company was based on a knew model and 98% of the other agencies don't operate like this particular one does because it deals with "real" people as models and not models. SLP also has a connection to his particular company because Scott's old studio manager, Emily, and her husband run it.

After listening to the phone meeting, Scott informed me we would be shooting alot next week and maybe a casting call. He also told me to bring in some photos I have been taken to show him and talk about. I am looking forward to the critic. I left at 5 pm.

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