Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Estimates and Shooting for Ebay

I asked for the last week off to record a cd in Knoxville, TN. This was the first day back since Scott got married in Mexico. Eveyone I told the photographer I intern with was getting married asked the same question, who did he get to shoot the wedding. When I asked him later in the day he laughed and said some local guy who shot jpegs plus both of Scott's assistants - Ryan and Keith.

The day started kind of bad for me because I overslept. After debating if I should call in sick or face the truth, I called to say I was running late and would be there as soon as I could. Scott said "no biggie" and told me that I could help by picking up a package at Mark Anderson's house. I drove by there on the way to the studio and everything was fine and be there at 11:30 am. The studio has three jobs coming up in the next few weeks and mainly today they were estimating these jobs and producing them. One of the jobs, the one at the end of August, is a high fashion shoot with alot of different models and such. I will be able to see the process of producing a shoot as well as actually shooting it and then finishing it. One of the jobs I did today was to print out comp cards for models from an agency who specifcially sent certain models who would give all the rights up for the pictures taken, or buy it out. Part of Scott's deal with this particular shoot is that he will get the rights to the pictures not used and he can sell them into stock photography. After printing out models, ryan and I shot products for ebay. One of which is a very fast G5 apple that the screen was damaged while flying to Arizona a few months ago with SLP. Other things being sold was a 15 in power book and a huge collection of nikon cameras (a f5, d100, and n90), lens, and accessories.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will help with the estimating and get my hands dirty with the jobs coming up. I am looking forward to seeing a project all the way to the end. I left at 6 pm.

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