Wednesday, August 8, 2007

July 26 and Pre-Pro Meeting

On July 26 I met up with Scott at his studio at 9:30 in the morning to go to a meeting at the ad agency Current to talk to the stylist about the Natick shoot. We drove over to the agency and when we arrived I sat and listening to the meeting. It consisted of the stylist, Kim, and the agency talking about what kind of clothes she needed to buy and bring and from what stores. After the meeting, Scott and I drove back to the studio. We talked about how he found his photography style. He said that he likes to have the picture show the people in the photos were it looks like they have done something, are doing something, or will do something. He said that it gives the photographs another level rather than just a pretty girl in a pretty place.

After getting back to the studio I helped scan model releases that the signatures weren’t legible. I scanned them darker so the signatures could be seen more clearly. I also cut up about 90 photos.

I also found this quote in a “The Negative” by Ansel Adams: “Once you begin the process of visualization the final image becomes the paramount importance, and you are far less concerned with the subject per se than with your representation of it”.

I left the studio at 5 pm.

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