Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fifth Week

At the start of my Fifth week at Turner we shot the second half of the first time voters league. I was out of town for the first half, so I was interested to see how the pictures would look. John, the assistant, pretty much had the routine of how Mark wanted the pictures to be shot so I watched and followed for the example. We shot 12 people while holding a card with words they had written about voting. They were also interviewed with a camera crew after we shot them for the piece. After each one was shot, John and I shot the cards in a copy work setup incase the card was out of focus for the portrait or they needed a better shot of it.

The next day was mainly breaking down from the shoot the two days before, nothing exciting just moving stuff from one place to another. I also cleaned up the studio for the next day because a video shoot was going to be there the next day.

On Wednesday, I watched a video shoot for Monica. It was for an overlay ad for her new show on Peachtree TV. During the promo shoot Justin and I set up for a corporate headshot and photographed him right after the promo was done. After the green screen from the promo was taken down with all the lighting equipment, I set up copy lighting and shot blueprints from Turner Studio. They wanted pictures of the whole blueprint and some details as well.

At the end of the week on Thursday, I built a set for a light test with a mannequin I had for another shoot later that day. I used all the light modifiers they had with one light on the mannequin to see what effect each one would have. After the test, I built a set on white for a shoot I had for Joe Dues showing their product on a dressed up model.

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