Friday, September 5, 2008

Third Week

My third week at my internship was a hard week with two different long shoot. I took the Monday off because I worked on Saturday at the Gay Pride Festival. So Tuesday was the most important shoot of my internship: shooting Ted Turner with different international journalists invited to hear him speak and get a picture with him. Justin and I photographed the journalists and Ted in his office on Lucky St. in downtown Atlanta. We shot around 9 portraits and broke down our lights (two lights shooting into umbrellas pointed into the corners of the room) and went back to the studio. The rest of the day we got ready for the big shoot for Boomerang, a “tween” network, that involved a lot of planning to get it all done.

The next day we shoot a large production for the “tween” network Boomerang in a neighborhood in East Atlanta called Gordan Parks. The day started at early at 7:30 am with meeting 4 assistants to pack and load up for the day. We arrived at the location and began looking at what we needed for the first set up which included all the pro-b lights (which was the first major time using all the new lights from Profoto equipment) many c-stands, and softboxes. The shoot idea was to create a stop motion look to all the action so each shot had to look seamless with lighting and angle. We started shooting in a spa setting with two other variations. We later went on to eight other locations with 3 variations each which included: outside with golf carts, inside a clothing store, inside a hair salon, outside in and near a fountain, and in the town square. The day was hot, long, and hot but I learned exactly how much goes into a big production for TV and I’m still amazed.

On Thursday in the studio we shot 12 people for holding various cameras. Each person needed three different poses so it was easier to know what shots needed to be done and how to accommodate the photographer. Most of the models that were shot for the campaign were employees from image management, which included a photographer, editors, and creative people. I think this was the day where a lot of what I was doing solidified for me and I realized exactly what was expected of me and that I could accomplish it.

Friday of the third week began with another corporate headshot. It was asked of me to come in early to help Jeremy set up. After setting up and breaking it all down, I got to help organize the 2,000+ files from the shoot on Thursday using Capture One Pro. It was a stressful job because if I messed up I would lose a picture that we couldn’t get back exactly how it was. When I finished, Mark went over the metadata process with me. After learning how to enter the file metadata, I organized the large black cabinet kept in the studio. It is the home for the coffee makers, coffee, teas, cds and cd player, plates, cups, mugs, and condiments.

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