Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fourth Week

My fourth week at Turner involved coming in and organizing the equipment room table in the studio. With four photographers coming in and out and pulling out equipment like cameras, camera accessories, lighting, and other various tools it can get quite cluttered. Later on in the day Mark and I shot another corporate head shot with EVP John O’Hare. After everything was put away from the shoot, Mark asked me organize his idea book with included images from many different fashion magazines, people magazines, and news magazines. He had books that were organized into men, women, and others.

On Tuesday I spent most of my day with Mark packing up for his shoot that he was traveling for the next day. We also cleaned up the studio because of a lunch event being held the next day. We moved the furniture and lights so they would have enough room for the tables and chairs. The last thing of the day was the most exciting. I got to pretend to be a photographer at a radio station for a show on cartoon network called “Fried Dynamite”. They were pretending to be the Jonas Cousins and the radio station thought it was the Jonas Brothers. When the DJ found out they cut the interview and I walked off the set.

The next day, Wednesday, I came in an hour late at 10 am. I had scheduled to do some photo editing with Jake but the servers were painfully slow. Images that would normally take a minute to load, took 20 minutes. We let a group of photos from the TBS show House of Payne load and come back to them. Jake went over some images with me to idea of what to look for when editing the photos like: you want cause and effect images, the best images technically, no images that would make the network or show look bad, etc. The server was to slow we decided to try another day. At the end of the day I helped Ted try out a time delay set up he was working on for PGA. Where he could get a picture every 15 seconds at a hole and also get the capture down to one every second for putts.

Thursday involved the pre-light for the shoot on Friday and Monday for the First Time Voters league. The studio brought in a set maker who built three backdrops (red, blue, gray) to look like the side of an old building. They were 16 x 16 ft with stretched canvas over them. Each one had to be lit and one had to be lit for a group shot. Mark wanted to see how the pictures would look with a Tilt Shift for the RZ so I ran to PPR to get one before they closed. I also picked up illustration board and markers for the voters to write what voting meant to them.

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